Paradosiaka : Music, Meaning And Identity In Modern Greece.

Paradosiaka : Music, Meaning And Identity In Modern Greece.

Kallimopoulou, Eleni.

(Soas Musicology Series)

Ashgate  ©2009

The Greek urban musical style known as paradosiaka is derived from the traditions of the Ottoman period of Greek history. This book looks at various aspects of this style, its history, and performance. Introduction, bibliography, discography, index, illustrations, tables, music examples.

1 book (xviii, 246 p.) + 2 compact discs; 24 cm.
Language: English
ISBN: 0754666301
ISBN13: 9780754666301
UPC: 9780754666301

Paradosiaka : Music, Meaning And Identity In Modern Greece.

Price: $165.00
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